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6650F59B-EC38-426C-B11E-E7B3FF6185EE "I LIKE YOUR MOXIE, KID!"
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JubJub Boopkins is the younger brother of Fishy Boopkins and second son of Joe Boopkins, debuting in SMG4: The E G G.

Although Fishy Boopkins and Tari both treated him with love, Mario abused and treated him like a football, frequently kicking him around.

Though JubJub himself didn't seem to mind (as opposed to Boopkins himself, who would immediately summon his father if he were ever abused), both Boopkins and Tari criticized Mario for his abuse, and once he was reunited with his father, Joe Boopkins wasted no time in punishing Mario for his actions.

Powers and Abilities

  • Like his brother, JubJub can scream extremely loud. However, he can still hear his brother while he is doing this, and will cease to do so if Boopkins requests him to stop.


  • As JubJub is related to Fishy Boopkins and his father, it is plausible that he will become a recurring character.
  • Joe Boopkins punishing Mario for bullying JubJub is similar to him punishing people for abusing Fishy Boopkins.
  • He was not named by his brother or his father. Instead, he came up with his name himself.
  • Though he did not see his dad upon first being born, JubJub seemed to know at some level who his father was.
  • Mario kicking him around like a football is a reference to Kyle's behavior in South Park, in which he kicks his brother around like a football despite his brother's protests. However, Fishy Boopkins does not engage in this behavior himself.
  • He makes a similar noise when he eats that his brother Fishy Boopkins does.

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