
Mr. Game & Watch is a Nintendo video game character. He is the signature character of the handheld Game & Watch series. As a minor character, he only managed to obtain a few roles in some bloopers.


R64: Stupid Smash Bros[]

While Ganondorf was trying to KO Mario while singing, Mr. Game and Watch and Olimar joined in to do the same. However, he along with Olimar eventually got defeated by Mario putting them in front of Ganondorf's Warlock Punch, causing them to blast off from the impact.

SMG4: Mario Battle Royale[]

While Mr. Game and Watch doesn't appear in this episode, Master Hand mentioned to Mario that he stole the flag from Mr. Game and Watch's corpse.

SMG4: The Smash 5 Trials[]

He is seen with Wario.

SMG4: The New Smash Bros[]

As part of Crazy Hand’s game of Targets Break You, he is seen attacking a target via his jab, an insectide pump. The 2-dimensional fighter then declared, “Let that be a lesson to you.”, to which the target responded with grabbing him and delivering a brutal beating offscreen.

SMG4: War Of The Fat Italians 2019[]

He appears in SMG4's Rap.

SMG4: Mario Gets【Woke】[]

Mario asks him for help, but instead he drives away.


  • Mr. Game and Watch's model comes from SSBB.

v - e - d SMG4 characters

