

.....a lawyer? .....A lawyer?
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Hey bro. Where's the spaghetti at Hey bro. Where's the spaghetti at?
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I have absolutely no idea what's going on "I have absolutely no idea what's going on."
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Smg Fans

S.M.G Club Members

S.M.G Club Members were members of the Super Mario 64 Bloopers: S.M.G Club, possibly invited by SMG1. They believed the name S.M.G stands for Super. Mega. Gangstas. They coincidentally had the same exact color code as SMG4. A lot of them were gay. They had random names such as SMG47 or SMG52.. They were killed by Mario, who pressed a "Self-Destruct" button, which destroyed the club but also killed SMGDJ and rendered SMG1's legs missing, causing him to be renamed to "SMGay1". SMG1 tried to find his legs later.

Notable Members

  • SMG1As The Director Of The S.M.G. Club
  • SMG3As a Worker
  • SMG56
  • SMG79
  • SMGDJAs a Worker
  • SMG35
  • SMG36
  • SMG46
  • SMG85
  • S.M.G Guards
  • Security Guard
  • Guy In The Advertisement
v - e - d SMG4 characters