Looks like it's sweepin' time LOOKS LIKE IT'S SWEEPIN' TIME!!
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How To Make A Blooper (according to smg4)

File:Im the sexiest-0

The vid that Mario made

is a blooper/short of how to make a blooper, similar to "How to Make Spaghetti", but different. It is his last blooper he made at Hiatus.



  • Toad's lines are heard in voice and text at the same time.
  • Mario's "blooper" is actually a video (most of it, at least) posted on the Theawesomario channel. It was meant as a teaser/preview for this blooper, however, at the time no one knew that, obviously.
  • A clip from Ssenmodnar 4 (30,000 subs special) when a family were acting like retards was used.