
The Mario Parable is an episode of the Super Mario 64 Bloopers series. This blooper is based on "The Stanley Parable".


Mario's life is taken over by "The Narrator", who constantly tries to get Mario to follow a plot similar to Super Mario 64's. When Mario complains to his brother and SMG4 about this, nobody believes him and thinks that he is crazy. 


Super mario 64 bloopers The Mario Parable


The narrator says hello and begins to tell a story about Mario, a girl plumber who happily eats spaghetti day after day in Peach's Castle. Then the voice states that Princess Peach was calling from upstairs – Mario refuses to go upstairs until the narrator revises his line and says that Peach wanted him to eat spaghetti. Neither the princess, nor the spaghetti were in fact there, but the princess's scream came from one of the paintings.

Although the narrator said that Mario went to rescue her, Mario just said "Screw this, I'm leaving." The narrator states that he just wants to make Mario's life more interesting. Mario told him to go away & to stop "narrating his life". The narrator begins actually narrating Mario's life in graphic detail, which Mario hates more. The narrator asks "Can we go back to the story?" but Mario dashes out of the castle, screaming like a girl.

Outside the castle, Mario spots Luigi. He begins to speak gibberish until the narrator adds subtitles, when he is shown to be telling Luigi about the narrator. Luigi, in disbelief, walks away. Mario then gets a magician to help get rid of the voice, but the narrator spawns a Thwomp above him. The narrator explains that he has godlike powers and sings a rap to Mario about it. Then he wants to go back to the story where we find Mario in Bomb-Omb Battlefield, and the narrator tells Mario that the princess was stolen. Getting so frustrated, Mario brings out the princess so he can end it early. But unfortunately for Mario, the narrator decides to turn Mario into a pimp. And making a Teletubby lick on Mario, telling him that he is a 15-year old girl. Mario gets out of the pimp world back into his little hiding spot as the narrator laughs. Then SMG4 pops in declaring that he took a sh!t and asks what's wrong, and Mario tells him everything, and despite his objections, SMG4 goes to get the Exorcist. Mario then asks the narrator why he can't go annoy someone else, and that's because there is something about Mario and that is being retarded. And just when Mario decides to ignore to narrator, the narrator decides to rap to him about what a narrator does, much to Mario's chagrin. Angry, Mario can sing better than the narrator singing an unknown song in which Princess Peach outside dances to it. And the narrator thinks he deserves some kind of "reward."


The reward, however, was at the dark land of Bowser's. And when Luigi appears, the Narrator's fist punches him off the set. And Bowser appears, and the Narrator calls Bowser ugly and a clumsy fat-ass idiot who ruins the whole show. Which made Bowser run off calling for his mother. Mario thought the Narrator was insulting him (he was insulting both). And the Narrator decides to kill Mario, taking him to a giant cliff to make him fall to his death, making Mario worry that he's dreaming, and he finds himself back outside the castle where the Narrator explains that he lives in a fake world, thus making him exit the simulated reality.

The epilogue shows Bowser getting the same treatment from the Narrator.


  • Ivo Robotnik


  • SMG4 says "Mario lost it again" implying this has happened before
  • Mario speaks in his generic DS rpg voice, and Luigi i referred to as 'too retarded to understand'
  • The Narrator constantly breaks the fourth wall, and refers to Mario's life as Super Mario 64.
  • The music that was playing during the Narrator's Rap was the intro from Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (And if you don't have it YOU SUCK! Just kidding).