I have absolutely no idea what's going on "I have absolutely no idea what's going on."
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Looks like it's sweepin' time LOOKS LIKE IT'S SWEEPIN' TIME!!
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I this episode SMG4 is a hobo (as always) and Mario is a hero many villagers make mario ride on the hobo to fight a beast, the village gives up and soon dies after the portal is gone


  1. warrior mario
  2. smg4 the hobo
  3. jacobthehero (starman)
  4. jstiven (just kidding)
  5. villagers (not minecraft)
  6. beast


  • this proves smg4 is gay
  • mario is not a hero but he is a warrior
  • luigi is the real hero
  • jstiven is not appearing
  • This is the last video to be 4:3, the rest of the new videos will be 16:9.
  • noob simulator