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The unnamed leader of Team Killer Ink is the overall main antagonist for the film Meggy's Destiny. She is a ruthless, competitive Inkling who is willing to do anything to win Splatfest. She was very angry when she and her team lost.

Physical description

7C195E56-9618-44D8-AC30-E448FAB6519A "JUST LIKE THE SIMULATIONS!"
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Her signature Ink color is Light blue.


7C195E56-9618-44D8-AC30-E448FAB6519A "JUST LIKE THE SIMULATIONS!"
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Her team is one of the best Splatfest champions in her past, and she went on competing in the Final Splatfest event, When she first noticed the Splat Squad, she couldn't believe that this Splatfest would allow to let humans to compete.

7C195E56-9618-44D8-AC30-E448FAB6519A "JUST LIKE THE SIMULATIONS!"
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