This page will be used so administrators can nominate a user that they feel should be promoted. For guidelines as to what to look for when considering a user for wiki staff, see here. A few things to keep in mind here:
- Any user is eligible for a nomination.
- When nominating a user, explain why the user deserves the promotion.
- The nominations should all be handled on the talk page.
- A new heading on the talk page will be made for every nomination.
- Remember to place your signature on your replies.
- If you post a nomination, you will automatically be credited as a supporter of it.
- Voting occurs on the talk page just for the administrators to see if this user should be given rights.
- After the administrators give their comments on the talk page, and if they come to the conclusion a user should be promoted, it will be brought into a forum post where an election will take place for the community to vote.
- Chat moderator is the only position for the wiki where a nomination doesn't need to be held. Admins that would like to give chat moderator rights to a user can go straight to the election process.
Example Nomination
User:Derp for Administrator
I would like to nominate Derp for an administrator position. He has proven that he is fit for the position for all of his help around the wiki. Derp is very active, and helpful with other users. --Ivan the Brony Kaiju (t - b - c) 06:18, May 26, 2019 (UTC)
- {{Support}} I agree with this nomination. --Admin 1 signature
- {{Oppose}} I do not support this nomination --Admin 2 signature
- {{Comment}} I am neutral about this nomination. --Admin 3 signature