
Hi, I haven’t been active here for more than a year but I have still been watching smg4 and being a fan since 2016 i’ve Noticed it has been getting a lot worse and here are my top 10. This is my opinion btw in case you didn’t realize.

10. Meggy. This might be strange to see meggy on this list but she could be holding smg4 back a bit. She was only intended for the splatoon series but i’m Guessing the fans liked her enough to appear in almost every single video since if Mario was in splatoon 2

9. Holiday specials. This one is a bit of a stretch but I think holiday specials are a problem especially a few years ago because in these types of videos there are barely any jokes, there boring, and all of the characters are very out of character.

8. They got a lot more serious. The smg4 youtube channel is a very goofy channel, used with manly gmod, and makes good ideas along the way. Until now! Now it’s serious with bob sounding like Albert Einstein and Mario is apparently smarter than Luigi. Nobody wants to laugh nowadays.

7. Lack of old character appearances. Characters like bowser, shy guy, Wario, waluigi, and even peach don’t appear anymore. The last time a saw all of them but shy guy was in the waluigi arc being over half a year ago as for shy guy it’s been over a year since seeing the toast loving man.

6. There arc’s. The arc’s are the only thing supporting the channel nowadays but I have a bit of a theory is that the arc’s (being waluigi’s) brought smg4 into a bad place for me personally and possibly many others. Although these mysteries are great and probably the best videos we will ever see in a long time to come but if this was 2016 not many people will like it meaning the fans are setting the bar low for the channel and in some cases smg4 fails to jump the 1cm jump

5. Saiko. Saiko is an anime character who looked like a one time character but guess what? That didn’t happen she appeared probably about 90% of the time, not as much as meggy but I can’t stand her

4. The meta runner series. I’ve never seen the series after watching the trailer and OH MY GOD it was awful horrific animation, it’s about tari, and it was a fail. But I got to give a pat on the back to smg4 for trying something new instead of gmod and did animation but it was still awful animation. I will get to the tari part later. It was a fail not only to me but the fans. In the comments I saw a good amount saying it was bad or would rather have an arc. The worst of it all smg4 is putting all of his effort into this I would probably know the ending of the series because of all the sneak peaks in every 2 smg4 videos.

3. Running out of video ideas. This is a big problem in any occasion. If you I noticed this in recent videos and it felt very alarming that the quality and ideas will worsen and so far i’m Right. A big example is the video called Mario goes to the store to get some milk. It might not sound like a lot but take an example from 2013. The video is called Boil the Big Bully this video is a classic and not only that a great idea but the recent video is not very creative and it should tell people that smg4 is running out of ideas

2. The merch/tours. Smg4 is turning into Logan Paul. The merch and money is getting to his head. He is also doing seasoned merch already into season 2 and probably heading into season 3. He also makes limited time clothes almost every episode now to get people into visiting the store. As for the tours happen almost every 3 months. First off after traveling around the world your going to get sick especially doing it every 3 months. Secondly it’s nice to do tours but not all the time. I believe ksi is doing his first tour ever and as been on YouTube longer than smg4. Third off your going to run out of ideas quicker than your video ideas.

Before we get into number one here are a quick few reason that missed out

Axol. Very useless character who only creates anime. And will appear in many more episodes

Family friendly content. Right now only the word f—— is not allowed (only censoring it because i’m Pretty sure your not allowed too swear in this wiki) but more will come and notice in videos almost no one swears

Boring videos. The videos have no more excitement

Now for number 1

1. Tari. Yep her. It seems like not a lot of people have a problem with her. She is the jeffy of smg4. She is in every video, the people who like her are mostly toxic, she is very annoying, she is really good at a few things, she is only used and created for the money, no use for her in videos, used in every thumbnail to get views. But she has one thing jeffy doesn’t and that is a terrible voice. There is no need for the British accent, the voice has almost no emotion just yelling and saying “oh no” all the time. Tari in my opinion is one of the worst characters on the whole of youtube.

That is it and wow this is a long blog post. I did not make this to hate on smg4 but to hopefully bring this to smg4’s attention and make him hopefully improve. Please don’t block me because of this. Overall a good amount of the fanbass is very caring and nice especially on this wiki. Do you agree with any? Probably not but if you do leave them in the comments. Bye.
